
Starting some new habits for my second half of life. Getting healthy, trying new style and beauty tips, eating plans aka diets and adventures.

About this blog

Thanks for visiting and coming on my journey. I recently turned 50 and decided my life isn’t what it should be so I decided to change it. Since I’ll try new things regularly, I wanted to share my experiences and possibly help anyone else who wants to do the same.


My name is D Lambert and I turned 50 at the end of 2020. I was not healthy, in a job that took all my time, and in a home where I had no friends or family nearby. It was a depressing time and my health continued to decline. In October of 2021, I decided to make some major changes in my life. I left my job after 13 years and am moving back to Florida where I have a great support system and previously had a very active life. Even though I currently have no job, or even a plan, I’m confident I’m on my way to a healthy second half of my life.

My 2020 weak attempt

October 8, 2020

Here’s what I’ve found from my first week.

First, don’t try to change everything at once. I went from sleeping late and not moving to waking up at 5am, exercising, cleaning, journaling, meditating, trying new hairstyles, makeup, outfits…too much at once and it didn’t last. Now I’m just focusing on getting up and drinking water. Getting my body used to getting out of bed at a set time is important to me as I used to wake up by 6 without an alarm clock. I’m also perpetually dehydrated so drinking water right after waking is a great way to start the day. I’ve found it makes me crave it as the day goes on.

Second, accept where you are and don’t get discouraged. I stepped on the scale after I started my new habits and quit all of it. I was so disappointed in myself and really should have known my “status” before I started, when I was fired up and making my plan. Finding out while I was already struggling with my new lifestyle just made it seem overwhelming. I’m going to ignore the scale for a while and just know that I’m making changes that benefit the whole me and the results will show.

Lastly, give yourself grace. Once I skipped a habit, I started skipping more and ended up doing nothing. “I’ll start again Monday.” How many times have we said that? Today is Thursday and I’m starting again. I had my pity party and that’s ok. It’s a new day and I deserve to be healthy and happy so today I choose to live that way. Wow, now THAT felt good.

Make it a great day, everyone!

@healthysecondhalf #thestruggleisreal #betterhabits


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